Welcome to Hypnotherapy Lincolnshire
The reason that hypnotherapy is so effective is that for most people it is their habitual behaviours and conditioning that causes them problems like weight issues, feelings of panic and fear, low self-confidence, feeling stressed and smoking. These behaviours are set up from the moment we are born and continue right through to adulthood and in fact even now. When we are conditioned into a particular belief, for example that we must eat until we have a clean plate, these beliefs become part of our subconscious and they drive our behaviours.

To change these beliefs we need to create change at a subconscious level. This is very difficult to do for oneself without help or by using traditional talk therapies. Using hypnotherapy it is much easier to affect changes in your subconscious thinking to bring it in to line with the conscious mind, which already knows what you should be doing. Once both the subconscious and the conscious mind are working together you can effect real change in your behaviours that can last a life-time.