Food cravings don’t stand a chance against modern hypnotherapy.
Dieting becomes difficult for most people when powerful yearnings for food develop, especially when they are on diets that make them feel like they are deprived in some way. Food cravings are acute feelings that can drive people to eat large volumes of foods that they should probably avoid.
Studies suggest that the most common foods men and women crave are sweet snacks such as chocolate, cakes or other confectionery. Addictions to certain foods can take hold if strong desires for food are not managed and chocoholism is among the most prevalent.
There are numerous factors behind food cravings. Chemical compounds in our body may affect our brain. Serotonin causes us to feel relaxed and happy, but a deficiency can lead to misery. Endorphin levels are also considered to influence our mental state in a similar way. Hypnotherapy helps to helps to control this, and alters the specific area of the brain that is conditioned to seek food. Certain foods that are easily obtainable, well promoted and quite often cheap, can have a detrimental effect on our health. Unhealthy weight gain and other health problems can develop from eating too many foods full of sugar and unhealthy fats, including, amongst others, raised blood pressure, heart disease and being diabetic. By utilising advanced hypnothereapy, you can lower these risks by simply treating these potentially unwanted food cravings.
One of the numerous reasons people can desire foods such as chocolate, is due to the amino acid, phenylethylamine, which regulates the body’s release of endorphins, the happy hormone that results in a sense of relaxation. What will happen over time is that our brain attaches the good emotions to chocolate and so starts to crave it. Hypnotherapy could help to break the relationship and also create distractions so that the brain focuses on something more acceptable, such as sleep and exercise. It is useful to the body if endorphins are released naturally. It is worth knowing that other ingredients in foods like chocolate may generate a longing, particularly caffeine and iron. Both of which can negatively affect the body if eaten in large quantities. The body has its own strategy for telling us the nourishment it needs. However, if internal signals become confused, the body can believe it is consuming something that is good for it, when in fact it is damaging.
When a woman is pregnant, as an example, powerful yearnings develop because there is a rise in the amount of vitamins and minerals needed. If the body requires iron then steak may be craved. Some powerful desires can seem strange but once it is understood what the underlying need is, they make more sense. However, for most people these hankerings lead to over-indulgence, which will cause obesity. A hypnotherapy approach can successfully change behaviour on a sub-conscious level and reduce bad eating habits that can lead to weight gain and health issues.
Utilising a hypnotherapy approach to eliminate food cravings and unhealthy eating habits, you ought to choose an experienced Hypnotherapist who has the relevant training. Sally Moore a Hypnotherapist practicing at Hypnotherapy Lincolnshire, has successfully treated numerous men and woman that have developed hankerings for food.
Situated in Woodhall Spa and Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Sally Moore, an expert hypnotherapist, offers a free, no obligation, half an hour consultation, please contact: Sally on 01526 351153.