Finding ways to treat Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Though a number of us can relate to having “perfectionist” tendencies, doesn’t necessarily interfere with day to day life like OCD can. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is defined as an anxiety problem and approximately 2% of all individuals are afflicted with this emotional condition.
Checking home appliances, ensuring windows and doors are locked multiple times until they are secure in their minds that it is done and this behaviour is pretty much common place for the OCD sufferer. Checking the stove, gas fire, washing machine, doors and windows might have to be done as many as 20 times or more for some obsessive compulsive disorder sufferers.
OCD can show itself in reaction to countless different anxiety causes. For instance, safety, as anxiety can result in repeated checking of electric gadgets or locks, illness anxiety can lead to excessive hand washing or domestic cleaning, and control anxiety can result in ritualistic motions, such as recurrent praying or arranging of things.
Distinguishing between the compulsions and the obsessions
Any behaviour that compels them to do something, otherwise something bad will happen could be classed as a compulsive behaviour. The behaviour is a reaction to the obsessive thought processes that are creating high degrees of worry and anxiousness. The compulsive behaviour is an attempt to relieve the anxiety and panic created by the obsessive thought.
For example, the OCD sufferer could have an utterly random “nasty” thought about someone in their family dying and this thought is dwelled upon by them and sooner or later they start to actually feel very anxious that it could actually happen. Such as, an obsessive thought about the safety of a loved one can take hold as the anxiety about losing a loved one gets worse. Sooner or later, a behaviour is generated to help lower the stress (by way of example, tapping their fingers against a specific object). Once the person discovers that their loved one has not suffered any harm, their mind further convinces them that whatever it was they did made the difference.
Whatever the compulsive behaviour it normally only offers a small amount of relief to the feelings of panic and anxiety. While the behaviour provides a degree of anxiety relief, it is just partial. As the person tries to amplify the stress relieving properties, the ritual or behaviour becomes a lot more elaborate or extreme. The mere thought about stopping the obsessive compulsive disorder habits can result in high levels of anxiety and panic.
Kinds of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Organiser – Someone that likes symmetry and order in their lives. Washer – concentrates on cleanliness. These individuals most often fear bacteria and possible contamination.
Doubter – think disaster will occur if they do not do specific tasks in a prescribed way.
Hoarder – focuses on keeping all clothing, boxes as well as other items. They have the fear that throwing out any belongings is likely to result in some sort of devastating results.
Checker – compelled to evaluate sources that might pose possible actual physical harm. They will probably repeatedly return to check the status of a stove, hot water heater, light switch or any other home appliance.
The treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with hypnotherapeutic specialist techniques
With hypnosis, it is possible for people to defeat their OCD issues and achieve an internal calmness. A knowledgeable hypnotherapist should typically assist their client to overcome the obsessive thought processes and remove the urges to complete the obsessive action. As well as reducing anxiousness, hypnosis can help to stop the obsessive thoughts which are at the source of the anxiety.
Hypnotherapy solutions are also an effective way to tackle the extreme anxiety and panic that OCD sufferers face, and conquering the extremely high levels of anxiety and panic is a key to helping these people let go of their obsessive thought processes and habits so they can regain control over their lives.
Sally Moore from Sally Moore Hypnotherapy based in Woodhall Spa and Lincoln Lincolnshire has helped numerous clients overcome this problem, for more information please feel free to contact.