Hypnotherapy for Phobias
Phobias are an example of how wonderfully fast the brain learns a new behaviour. Often it takes just one ‘bad’ experience for the unconscious mind to generalise events to something that’s terrifying. This can last for years, sometimes a lifetime.
The good news is that because the brain adapts to be fearful so quickly, we can use hypnotherapy for phobias and teach the brain an opposing, and more useful, behaviour just as rapidly.
Phobias are irrational fears of objects or situations, they usually interfere significantly with your enjoyment of everyday normal life. They can be hidden away or repressed memories and emotions that can and often do, at some point, create a phobia. So the phobia then continues to serve as a warning of the approach of some potentially similar and ‘un-faceable’ incident.

This in essence results in a vicious circle: the more we avoid the phobic object (spiders) or situation (social gatherings), the more we fear them and the more the fear grows; the more unable we become to face them and the more we are convinced that the situation has more control over us than we have over it.
Hypnotherapy has been shown to be an effective treatment for many individuals with phobias. A significant percentage of the population suffers from a phobia of one type or another. For some individuals it can be mildly distressing but manageable. For others it can be seriously debilitating.
People with phobias will either go to great lengths to avoid whatever it is they fear, or they will tolerate it with considerable anxiety. For some people, a phobia can trigger panic attacks. In severe cases the phobia can end up literally controlling a person’s life.
Hypnotherapy for phobias can permanently eliminate these fears.
Using hypnotherapy for phobias and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), we can find and release the emotions which originally caused or created the phobia. With the releasing, letting go and dealing with these bottled-up emotions and feelings, the phobia itself disappears.
Phobias and fears are produced by internal anxieties that become associated with particular situations. Some may seem to serve a genuine purpose (fear of heights, fire, etc) – mostly however, they appear to be completely irrational.
Common Phobias are:
- Flying
- Dentists
- Needles
- Driving
- Heights
- Lifts

With hypnotherapy for anxiety I offer a free ½ hour, no obligation, consultation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or queries.
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