Hypnotherapy for Stress
If stress is not dealt with while it is at a low level, the symptoms of stress can escalate to cause other problems, such as anxiety and depression.

Everyone reacts to stress in different ways and to different degrees. Some people have more stress than others. Some people handle stressful situations better than others. Each person is triggered by different stressful situations, depending on their own make-up. What may bother one person may not affect another person. This does not negate your stress, it merely points out what situations you react to in a stressful manner.
Symptoms of Over Stress:
- Body tension
- Unable to relax
- Sleeplessness
- Poor appetite
- Digestive problems
- Excessive eating
- Excessive drinking
- Excessive smoking
If you have several of the above symptoms, it is very possible that you are suffering from being over stressed. Stress is one of the biggest threats to people’s health, happiness, and well being. Stress causes confused thinking, depression, over eating, excessive drinking, reckless driving, high blood pressure, heart problems, and a myriad of other health problems. Hypnotherapy for stress reduces the stress levels and can improve the health situation.
The symptoms of stress are sometimes insidious and undetectable, until one day you feel overwhelmed with life. Everything bothers you, from your work to your favourite pet at home. You may even start doubting your sanity. All of this results in the feeling of being out of control.
Coping with Stress
The first step in handling over stress is evaluating each separate stressful situation in your life and deciding what kind of action to take. Sometimes we have no control in a situation, and we must learn to simply let go of what is bothering us and redirect our attention elsewhere. Other times we have much control, and simply need to change our attitude and/or behaviours to effect a positive change.
Since stress affects every area of your life, a variety of coping techniques seem to work better than just one technique. Some of these coping strategies include: deep breathing, relaxation, deep and restful sleep, taking breaks, removing yourself from the stressful situation, exercise, change in diet, journaling and learning to recognize your own inner dialogue and thoughts which contribute to stress and then controlling your thoughts and emotions.
Hypnosis and Stress Management
All stress is triggered by an event or episode. Once you learn to recognise your stress triggers, then you can learn to introduce new, alternate behaviour when you first experience a stress trigger, thereby stopping the cycle of building triggers that contribute to high stress. Hypnosis not only helps you to recognize your stress triggers, but while in the hypnotic state you are better able to see alternate perspectives and behaviours in stressful situations.
You can learn to reprogramme your thoughts and actions while in a trance state to help you develop new behaviour in the waking conscious state.
By experiencing the deep relaxation of a hypnotic state, your body learns to relax. You will feel more rested, energetic, and you will find your sleep becoming deeper and more peaceful. As you begin to feel better physically, your thinking will become clearer, and you will react to stressful situations in a calmer manner.
Life is full of change. It never stays the same. Learning to cope, change and adapt to whatever situation may arise in your life is the key to successful stress management.
With hypnotherapy for stress I offer a free ½ hour, no obligation, consultation. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or queries.
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